Thursday, May 26, 2016

Change in Plans

Last night after the storm passed, there was a breath-taking sunset. Opposite the sunset there was a double rainbow. The inside rainbow was super clear and we could see the entire thing! 

Lisa also found out that her current nanny for Elsa just quit and she has no one to watch Elsa next week. So she's switching my flights to the 4th of June. It's a change of plans, but I think it's a wise move. So, in other words, I'll see you a week later than planned! 

Anyway, I found out yesterday that Mom isn't going with me and Ian to Ian's competition in Kentucky. I'm still going, but I'm a little stressed out, now I have to figure out renting a car and going around by myself while Ian's competing... I think it'll still be fun, but a little trickier.

I've got some fun places planned to go and I hear Ian's doing a lot of prep work... ;-) Can't wait to see you all! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kentucky and the Amish Bakery

Today, I decided we'd visit Schlabach's Bakery. It was warm and sunny when we started the half hour drive into the countryside of Kentucky. The fields were amazingly beautiful, some dark green others light, short and tall, hay rolls... The homes out there were also pretty awesome, each one different and interesting looking.

The Amish bakery was smaller then I thought, but had one of the most amazing smells ever. Have you ever walked into a doughnut shop or a bakery and all you can smell is the oil, flours, spices and yeast? It was the best smelling place I've ever been in. The bakery itself had little product there. I guess the earlier you get there the better. Homemade breads, pies, cakes and other bakery items were joined by honey, granola and jams. We got apple cinnamon rolls. I tried a bit, but can't wait to eat them once Lisa gets home tonight.

We also stopped by an Amish store. It had a whole bunch of awesome products and had great prices. I'm super excited because I got apple butter and rhubarb jam to bring home. I got Elsa some jelly beans they had there and she was one happy girl for the drive back! 

The look you give when you have jellybeans! 
We swung by the thrift store on the way back and I got a couple shirts for really inexpensive. Once home, Elsa went almost immediately down for a nap. During the nap, I had started doing the dishes when one of the loudest thunderstorms I have ever experienced happened. It still is happening like an hour later. The lights have flickered, the rain has pounded down, lightening and thunder and it got really dark. Anyways, just hanging out, the dishes can wait. I've got a blanket and I'm about to get tea, so I think it'll be a cozy afternoon. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Search for a Public Pool

So last weekend we got Elsa not one, but two darling bathing suits. One is dark blue with ice cream cones and the other is red and white stripes. Both have tiny little skirt/ruffle edge and both are adorable. I really wanted to take her swimming and knew that the weather was warming up. I had 5 pool options. We started with the best option about 10 minutes away....

It was closed. The second option was on base and so we drove through the gate with Elsa's little ID card "sponsoring" me. Pretty funny. Anyways, that pool was closed for construction. We drove further and checked out three more pools, all closed. -_- It was sad. You think these people would have better websites and post better hours or dates...

But I had another plan. On the way back, we stopped at the dollar store and picked up a bucket and mini shovel (which Elsa called a spoon the entire time) and some bowls and cups. When we got home, I filled several buckets with water, got some ice cubes and let her have fun. She must have played outside for several hours! Anyway, I wish the one of the pools had been open because now I really want to swim!

We're supposed to have storms tomorrow, so I knew we had to get out and enjoy the sun while we could. Gotta get a nice tan. ;-)

Us Vs. the Rocking Chairs

So Sunday after Church, we planted flowers in the front yard followed by a long nap. After that, we went for a two mile walk on the Greenway. We went and bought rocking chairs for the front porch. We had to put them together. We should have done it Amazing Race style and see who can finish first, but we didn't. We didn't read the directions for how to put them together and worked out rather well. Lisa put a couple things on backwards and I put my in the wrong order. But still, they turned out nicely and now sit on the front porch. We had some laughs over doing it.

Anyway, we saved $20 by building the rocking chairs ourselves, so we're pretty happy! When Elsa and I drove up last night after visiting the CAP squadron here, Lisa was reading out on the porch, so we're already getting use out of them!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Walks and Shopping

 We ventured out to the Clarksville Greenway today for a walk. It was cool and sunny and perfect for walking. Sometimes Tennessee looks jungle-ish. It's so green and lush looking. I love it. It doesn't have the same feeling as Washington, but I like it here.

Elsa loves being outside, her sunglasses... And me... :-D I kinda love the gorilla's expression. 

Wonder why it's called the Greenway.... ;-)

Three miles later... Glad to have this Garmin watch to keep pace with... It was a fun walk. Elsa literally harassed everyone who passed us, saying hi to everyone, saying puppy or doggy every time a dog passed or baby, girlie or bike or glasses... whatever words she knew.... I love that girl! 

We went to Publix afterwards. I really want to make chocolate muffins and got all the ingredients except for one, so back to the store we went. I'll post muffin pictures if they turn out. They should, they've got sour cream in them! Yum!

Anyway, how many of you remember stopping by the bakery for a free cookie? Well, Elsa just did and as you can tell, she was more then pleased with the sprinkle covered cookie! 

Now, after her nap, we're watching an old Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly movie on the projector and then muffin making! 

Friday, May 13, 2016

May Away Friday

Elsa and I ventured out to the library and a local park today as well as a couple other errands.We drove in style.

The library had a wonderful children's library. It was it's own huge room as to not bother the people studying. There were mini tables and chairs, kid puzzles, books, Fisher price people and best all all, gigantic stuffed animals on top of the shelves. I didn't see the sign until after we had pulled down a few... Oh well, 

Her face when she saw Winnie the Pooh or Winnie de poooh beear... She was so excited! And actually posed for pictures! :-)

It was a princess castle, of course she was going to play with that. She had a blast playing with another little boy and girl... 

Once in the car, she fell almost immediately asleep as I tried to find the park. 

I planned on finding a shady area and letting her finish her nap, but once she saw the massive playground, all she wanted to do was run around. 

Anyway, I needed to get something from Walmart and while there, one of the employees there say Elsa and I and said 

"Oh my, isn't she just the spitting image of you!" 

I just thanked her and moved on. I wish. It was hilarious, 

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Today was another stormy day. Well, at least part of it was. It was kinda awesome. Elsa slept through it all, the rumbling thunder, bright lightening and pounding rain. I spent a good deal of time sitting on the stairs while Elsa used the little potty (yes, I'm potty training a kid that's not even mine) and taking and editing some pictures. I'm trying to continue to improve my photography skills... And with only one (slightly unwilling, even after candy) subject, I took a few selfies... Here are a few pictures! 

Can you tell we're watching Disney songs on the projector for part of the time? I'm teaching her to smile without sticking her little tongue out, because while that is cute, it won't be when she's older... And she looks cute with it in as well! 

Now for some selfies... I combed my wet hair last night and braided it. I knew it would give me a sort of  '20s wavy look. So I went with it. I needed a break from all the hair product I usually put in. Anyways, a little over edited and it looks kinda vintage. ;-) can you tell I have too much time on my hands? 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


God once again one upped every firework display and light show in the entire world. Not often does something make me stop everything and just stare, but tonight, it was a show that God put on and was marvelous! I couldn't think of anything besides how spectacular and slightly terrifying it was. Bright flashes of light that felt like camera flash. Flashes of blue, purple and white lightening combined with the deep, sometimes house shaking thunder. The silhouettes of trees and clouds there for a second with the light and then back into the shadows of darkness. The rain hitting the ground in little drops and then gusting down in little streams or puddling together. And through it all, I could still spy a bright little star, determined to shine bright above the storm. It was truly beautiful.

 What started off as a stormy morning at about 4-5 when Lisa left for work, cleared up by the time Elsa woke up at 7:45.

During our adventures around town, it was warm. Low eighties and sunny with a few clouds. It continued to be nice and warm all day. Elsa and I even spent a good deal of time on the back porch, Elsa eating Goldfish Crackers and playing with some toys and me enjoying the setting sun and the warmth. I've fallen in love with having a back porch.
Ugh, that hair. It kinda hate it here...

When Lisa got back from work (after seven), the sky had turned dark pink and cloudy. Then dark and stormy and shortly after dinner the thunder and lightening began. At first we thought nothing of it. Thunderstorms are, after all, pretty common here. We went upstairs to hang out and that's when we heard alarms going off around and an automated voice outside. We couldn't understand it and after looking up the weather, found out exactly what was going on.

Two tornadoes touched down in Kentucky one, not too far away from us and a major storm traveling right over us. The picture below is between storms.

Currently we're under Severe Thunderstorm Warnings and tornado watches. But two hours ago it was tornado warnings. Possibility of quarter sized hail. Anyway, that led us to sitting in the downstairs bathroom for half an hour riding out the worst part of the storm. 

It's still stormy now. From my bedroom, I can see lightening from all angles. downpours of rain, thunder that shakes the house... No hail. 

I am thankful we are safe right now and warm inside our protected house and I'm praising God for the beauty He has showed tonight. I'm thankful I don't have to be scared or worried on occasions like this because I have Him with me. :-) 

 I encourage you all to take a moment and see the beauty around you in the things we take for granted. Look at it like it's the first time.


Today, I decided it was the perfect day to take Elsa to the local Kids 'N' Play. She had a blast playing the there, even though a lot of it was too old for her level. There was a mini shopping cart and doll she thought was awesome and she had a blast.

The little town had different little buildings with professions in them. Each one had some kind of work uniform to go with it. It was pretty cute.
She seemed a little too old for the baby area (0-2), but a little too small for the other kid areas... It'll be a blast in a couple of years

Each child had a bracelet with a number on it. Each adult had the same number on their bracelet and they were verified at the exit to make sure people got the right kids.

The grocery cart and doll were her all-time favorites. She ran around for probably twenty minutes, barely avoiding people...

Teaching her how to hold a baby correctly. She is so darn cute! 

After playing there for close to two hours, we headed out and went to Noodles and Company for her favorite food. Macaroni and cheese. Or, as she says is Macamonni and cheeeezzze. And a cookie. We hit a local thrift shop and picked up a little puzzle game for her and a fairy tale book with awesome illustrations in it (for me), I'm a sucker for fairy tales. Then it was my job to keep her awake while driving the twenty minutes home. 

Let's just say that she slept really well for a long time. During her naps, I usually watch something alternating with work. Today, I decided it was a good day for RED. I turned it on, watched a few scenes, then decided to see where I was at with my Officer Basic Course for CAP. I ended up finishing twelve or thirteen modules and completed 2/3 of the work for the course. :-D I'm thrilled! 

 Then snuggled with me while watching part of Frozen. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


From last weekend:

I have friends of all ages, adults, parents, teens, kids, toddlers... I'm lucky I have so many amazing people in my life. On Friday, I got to hang out with some of my favorite little friends. It was an early start, I won't lie, after CAP the night before, I was exhausted. I spent Thursday frantically making gingerbread cookies to decorate, pack for Tennessee and still drive Jane to choir and CAP in the evening. To add it it, Dad was just in from Turkey, so we wanted to catch up and hear all his stories.

The little J. Kids are super sweet. They love talking, running around and playing games. 

We talked from the time the parents left to nine or nine-thirty. The breakfast, then we played with bubbles and then we played hide and seek. They had some really creative hiding spots. After all that, we decorated gingerbread cookies. I requested that they do as pretty as possible, which, for the first time ever, actually seemed to work! 

Joyanna's creations 

Timmy's creations

Nathan's creations

Some of my creations
Stefanie's creations

Jane-O's creations 
We had a lot of fun besides decorating. We made personalized pizzas with the option of two sauces, two cheeses, two veggies, olives and two different kinds of meat. They were delicious! Jane was amazing, she did dishes and helped me keep an eye on their very quiet baby. She was pretty stoked, because she got to help feed baby goats and see other animals. :-) 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Celebrating Gracie

She's my friend. She's my twin. She's my sister. Introducing Elisabeth Grace Hacking. :-)

So Facebook informed me this morning that three years ago I became friends with Gracie. I had to just sit there and laugh. Our families have known each other for ages. Like.... before this picture.

2007 pic from Mrs. Hacking's FB
So today doesn't just celebrate 3 Facebook years of knowing Miss Hacking, but it is also her birthday. I'm sad I'm not in Washington to celebrate her special day with her. I didn't think I would even get to see her before I left, but I got to spend a wonderful couple hours catching up on Saturday. I think we may or may not have talked the entire time without stopping....We might have breathed. 

There is a lot to love about this one. Some of my favorite things about this girl are: 

1. Her smile

The time my Ipod was being stupid and wouldn't take the picture...
2. How we plan to do things together on paper, on Pinterest, on Facebook, in person... We actually make some of them happen, too! 
Planning a hopeful trip to Crater Lake... Still ironing out details.
3. How goofy and carefree she is. 
Leavenworth with Victoria, John, Gracie and Ian 
Gracefully photobombing at Fort Worden
4. She's a good listener. No pictures here. :-) Seriously, though, she listens to what I have to say and helps me work through problems or just lets me vent when I need to. We never have a boring conversation, that's for sure! 

5. She loves people and understanding different personality types. 

Her and Ian having quite a serious conversation years and years ago.

Fort Worden, April, 2016
6. Her work ethic is amazing! And we have worked together TONS!! 

7. Her love of food and being gourmet. Serious, what other person "whips" up a batch of maple doughnuts or makes croissants for fun... Her love of cheese is probably the reason we are friend. ;-)
She stored a cucumber in her bag at camp.

That is one hunk of cheese. :-D
 Okay, well, sometimes, she loves being gourmet... Not in these pictures, however!

8. How she goes from tomboy to girly girl. She strikes the perfect balance between the two, which is awesome, cause, let's be realistic, dressing up and acting like a lady all the time kinda sucks and airsoft is fun! 

On FB these three pictures are side by side. :-)
9. How she loves adventures and dates! I've lost track of how many dates and adventures we've been on. I look forward to our future adventures together.
The many times we waited outside The Cabbage Patch!

The time we took 10 kids to the zoo. We're insane.

When we did a crazy venture to Leavenworth with John, Ian and Victoria

10. Her love of nature. Whether feeding random animals, enjoying the beach or admiring flowers (or fleurs as she dearly likes to call them)
Feeding a rabbit

Walking the beach at Fort Worden
 12. Her love of notebooks and how she writes things down. I wish I was steady enough to journal or write down everyday things like she finds time to do. Her collection of notebooks both new, completed and partially used is absolutely hilarious. She owns sooooooo many!

13. All our ridiculous inside jokes, nicknames, pranks, and humor in general. :-)

Queen of the cardboad at CAMA camp
Cascade Falcon Alcohol Impairment goggles. 

14. The fact that we're "twins" and able to convince people that it's true.

14. And just because there is soooo much I love about Gracie, I'll stop here and leave you with my favorite Gracie Hacking picture of the year. If you know Gracie, comment and share something you love about her!

Happy Birthday, sweet friend. So glad you're in my life and that you are so awesome!