So I entered the "real" work world last month. Part-time team member at JoAnn Fabrics. I love it.
Some things I've learned or moments I've had this month:
- I learned there are MANY brands of fabrics. I knew there were types, but never clued in that there were name-brand fabrics.
-I really do remember ever face from anyone who used my name.
-Learned dull scissors are from the devil. ;-)
-Never believe what you're told... There is a funny story involving a woman, a little girl and a bathroom...
-Regalia shawls are a thing and tons of people make them.
-I found a particular fabric for a woman who was near tears because she made a mistake and needed more fabric. She couldn't find it and needed to get the dress done by THAT afternoon.
-Watched 3 crazy ladies laughing their butts off while picking out fleece. Turns out they were making fleece blankets for foster kids.
-Learned that not all kids are on electronic devices... A girl confidently came up, asked for a yard of fabric
-The two ladies who had me measure out SO MANY FABRICS and then decided to purchase different ones.
-The gentleman who was snarky because he had to use the restroom. Slammed his hand down on the bell as I was literally running to grab the key for him.
-The one who asked how long it took to braid my hair (it was in a French side braid) and looked incredulous when I told him it only took 3-4 minutes.
-The older gentleman on a mission for his wife who had to call to confirm and told his wife that the lady (me) helping him was a "cute gal"
-Same gentleman who said sending a man to Joanns was like my (hypothetical) husband asking me to pick up some (insert some long words describing ammunition), to which I promptly replied that I would be fine with that as long as my "husband" took me along to shoot. He looked surprised that I knew what he was talking about....
-The couple buying material for shower scrubbies who were impressed that I had so many siblings, that so many of my siblings are in the Army and who asked if I was married or had a boyfriend. I told them I didn't. We continued to talk and just as they were leaving the woman said "I know why you don't have a boyfriend.... It's because no one is good enough for you." That was a compliment indeed!
-The lady who asked me what I thought of my job and it made her happy that I love it.
-The young man who had just as hard a time as I did in converting 60 inches to feet *facepalm* I really do know basic math....
-Tearing velvet is super satisfying, but terrifying all at once.
-The ladies who ordered yards upon yards of tulle to decorate a gazebo for a wedding in 28 days...
-The man who had so many question I practically did the shopping for him.
-I never thought I would work so much with glitter. #glitterhater It was everywhere.
-Faux fur is disgusting, makes me sneeze and feels pretty gross. Personal opinion.
-I can't count and give directions at the same time. Had to restart so many pieces of fabric because people will just talk to you and expect you to give answers immediately. -_-
-Went to purchase my first piece of fabric to make a circle skirt, couldn't find anything wide enough or that I liked in the right material. Ended up buying a sheet...
-The people who ask for opinions and actually do what you suggest.
-I get to be OCD. I spent like 20 minutes in the ribbon isle putting every single ribbon away correctly.
-Cut a boatload of fabric for my best friend's aunt. My mind was blown when she asked if I had a friend named Gracie and even more blown when she told me who she was.
-A lady I had never met a church before came up to me... I had cut fabric for her the past week...
-A lady who was making a reenacting cloak and needed it to be waterproof
-The heart-stopping moment when fabric I was just about to go and grab to put on hold for my aunt-ish, is on the cutting counter... Good thing it was her picking it up!
-Jaye told me I was doing so well and was happy I loved the work so much. She said I've picked it up way faster than the others.
-Literally walking around the store tucking fabrics cause there was NOTHING else to do.
-Asking people if I could help them find anything cause there was NOTHING else to do.
-The couple asking for stretchy denim to make rabbit guards.
So there's a bit of my work life right now. I look forward to every shift and the time seems to pass super quickly. I'm basically around beautiful things, around people who are passionate about their hobbies or creative in the way they fix things and that is super cool!