Sunday, January 14, 2018

This Home

Sunday. Church. It was 12 degrees when we left this morning. There was no way I was going to brave a dress. I did however wear my hair curly, makeup and earrings for the first time in a week. That got me thinking. I've been back in Tennessee for a six days. Less than a week.

Usually, the first week is awkward, a transition of getting into routine and knowing where my place is. This time, I pulled Lisa's car into the garage and stepped inside feeling like it was home. I knew where I stood. My room smelled like the apple candle a friend gave me. My clothes were folded or hung in the closet where I had left them. My books and art were untouched, exactly where I had left them six weeks earlier.

I've felt very little homesickness. Still, there's the ache of missing my siblings and the friends I saw absurd amounts of when I was home. I've texted a lot this week trying to keep caught up with everyone. But compared to past times, the homesickness isn't too bad. This is home after all...

Today was pretty darn near perfect. After Church came lunch. Then naps. Even I took a 2 hour nap, which is rare for me, as is texting past 1 in the morning... I watched the girls before dinner while Samuel and Lisa went shopping. We finished a 3 hour long movie we started last night. We played a game of Carcassonne while eating a fairly odd dinner of sushi, buffalo chicken dip and brie bites. We had serious conversations while making cookies and played another game while eating them. Sigh. This home is home.

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