Monday, October 2, 2017

Buggy News

I couldn't help but laugh. The reason the car broke down was hilarious. Basically, a gigantic bug flew in the exhaust intake, it was so big that it blocked the intake. This apparently made the battery short out, or something like that... I don't know if I repeated that all correctly, that's what Lisa told me after talking to Samuel today. So basically I didn't have a car for the weekend, waited 5+ hours for a tow truck and spent the majority of my day trying to get home. Because of a bug...

Speaking of bugs. There was (yes, was) this horrible fly that would get in your face, land on you a second after your brushed it away or land on your food and wouldn't be shooed away. On my second attempt with a magazine, I killed the fly dead. Elsa seemed a little concerned, but no more fly. \

Oh, and the mosquitoes here are huge and nasty.

That's all for Bug News!

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