Thursday, October 12, 2017

Grace and Backgrounds

A couple weeks ago, Elisabeth and I were texting and for some reason, for the past few months we've been discussing slightly odd topics. Let's say, thought provoking topics. What do you want to be like when you are old? That was one question that we discussed at like 2am while lying on her couch eating way more white cheddar popcorn than we should have. 

The next questions I asked because I spend WAY too much time on Pinterest. I came across the My Intent Project. In trying to pick a word that would embody everything I want to be (Christlike not included, because we're all striving for that one already), we threw around a lot of different different words: empathy, patient, kind, confident, strong. I narrowed it down to two words, kindness and forgiveness

Thinking about these two words, we discussed them further and decided that an a weird sort of way, the word grace covers both words. I think it's kinda hilarious that my name is such an inspiration... To me. It's a constant reminder and it's sweet. 

Anyway, I kinda accidentally did this background, and of course can't replicate it no matter how hard I try. It makes a great background for one of my favorite sayings. 

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