Thursday, March 31, 2016

Living, Learning and Loving.

Today was one of those crazy days. I spent the morning planning a class I'm teaching on Saturday, the afternoon driving Jane to choir and picking up hairnets for her uniform. Her choir went late... Of course... Then we got stuck behind a dump truck going under the speed limit, leaving us a mere 20 minutes between choir and CAP. Yes, I was a bit frazzled. After the rather emotional/me being ridiculous/hangry last Thursday, I had to eat something before leaving, change into uniform, put up my hair... I forgot the camera to take pictures with for our Facebook page. But somehow it was a peaceful, fun CAP meeting.

Talking with new parents at our Civil Air Patrol meeting was fun, but it also showed me how much I miss the quiet life I led for the past six months while in Tennessee. I miss the quiet evenings playing games, the dinners eaten together, not fighting for a chance to wash laundry or make food. But those things are part of my life again and they are good.

I wrote some words out on paper while in Tennessee that I wanted to remember during the transition back home.

Instead of following through with what I wanted, I let myself down. I'm talking with God less, I'm growing angry faster, about pathetic things. I've felt not rejected, but like I can't quite fit in. I'm having trouble connecting with my family. 

I need to slow down, not rush through each day, but enjoy the busy days and cherish the quiet ones. I need to take time to talk to God and read my bible.

 I need to find a routine that works with the family and my personality. I need to learn to relax, to not stress about little things. I need to work on my temper. I don't want to be irrational, angry and bitter. Learning is not just the school we did as children, that is just the very beginning. Life is about learning, about adapting to changes and challenges, learning about our Savior, our family, our friends.

And so, going into a busy weekend, I am going to embrace the busy, the people, the long drives and the impending class that I have to teach. I'm going to open up and sing on the drive, laugh with my sisters and enjoy their company, because we have to cherish these little moments in a crazy time. Living, learning and loving.

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