Monday, February 1, 2016

Socks and Hands

This morning was spent tidying my cluttered room. After lunch, working out and relaxing while Elsa napped, I put her in the backpack. We had garbage to take care of again. I did that, which was a great additional work out with a twenty-five pound baby strapped to your back and stairs with garbage bags in hands. We also took down the holiday lights from the back porch and pulled out all the staples as well. It was fun.

Elsa was so cute today, she kept trying to put one of her little socks on my foot. She learned the word recently and every time I wear then, she says it. Needless to say, it didn't quite fit my entire foot...

I would also appreciate prayer for my hand. Almost five years ago I got a bleach burn on my right hand and ever since I've had troubles with eczema, hand dermatitis and allergies since I have fewer layers of skin there. My hand is swollen, tender and itchy and cuts really easily. I scratched it in my sleep last night until it bled, I've got it wrapped up tonight, but in the past I have ripped off all the tape and gauze in my sleep (talented, I know). Anyways, it's no fun and there's not a lot I can do about it. I've noticed that when I get stressed it get's worse, but I'm not stressing about anything now, so I think it must have something to do with the weather changes we're going through.

Anna calls it my leprosy hand. Everyone says I should amputate -- at the neck just to be safe. Zombie hand. Mummy hand, "is it contagious?" ... All still a more accurate diagnosis then both my dermatologists (who, I'm pretty sure, dig up dinosaurs remains, but claim to be skin doctors) gave me...

It does kinda obscure my fingerprints on that hand... *laughs evilly*

Anyways, I've convinced (pranked) too many people that I got into a fight and this is the result. I even went as far once as to say I broke 'his' nose and just bruised my knuckles a little. The weed smoking, sketchy, failing-the-class high schooler (who was hitting on me at the time) totally believed me (and stopped hitting on me, hhmmmmm....) When I tried to really explain what had happened, he definitely had a hard time believing.

It's a good way for me to turn to God and ask Him to heal my hand. <3

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