Monday, September 25, 2017

A Journey's Start: Watercolor

I started my art journey in September of 2016. I think what started it was watching my brother teaching himself to draw. Then the Bible teacher at the camp I go to every year did amazing art while teaching. I found it inspiring.

I'm not artistic. Cooking is my art. I could never do that. These are things I told myself. Excuses I told myself. Then someone called me out on it. It takes practice, copying the same piece over and over again until you find your style.

A borrowed box of Crayola watercolor pencils and I started experimenting. Then came a name brand set of watercolor pencils. Then, in October, I purchased my first tube of watercolor paint from Hobby Lobby. Chinese White. I needed stars for the galaxies I was creating. Then I bought a dark blue. Experiments with that blew my mind as I saw the different shades from one color. I was fascinated with what I could create.

The creases of my hand.
Slowly I built up my paint collection. Colors that matched or ones I needed for specific project. I would use a 40% off coupon for each one, slowly building my collection. Whenever I felt uninspired, I would buy a new paint. I still do.

I am excited to continue learning and loving art. And that is how I became an artist. Barely artistic, but an artist non the less.