Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Weekend Shopping

When you're used to being in a household of eight people, you rarely get time alone. With four sisters at home, you can't even get ready in the bathroom by yourself. Most likely there would be at least two girls using the mirror next to you.

Last Saturday I took Samuel's car and left for the afternoon, mostly to get out of the house. Not just to given them time as a family, but after the busy Thanksgiving weekend, I felt quite housebound. I know it's bad when my socializing outside of the house is walking to the grocery store with Elsa. Besides, I needed to do some gift shopping.

I went to an antique shop and thrift store first. The antique place was gigantic and while it had some junky items, it had some really cool things.

Last Christmas, we sent my brother, Samuel, his favorite childhood Christmas cup since he wasn't able to be home for the holidays (he was deployed). Since then, I've been trying to find a family replacement for the beloved snowman glass. It was one of those things. you see them everywhere and the moment you need one, you cannot find one to save your life. I was lucky enough to look in one box at this antique place and find not one, but two of the snowmen glasses! They had no price on them, so when I went to pay, the lady said she couldn't sell them.

I'm an introvert.... But with only a few weeks until the holidays, I asked if there was any way she could possibly find out from the booth owner. A call and a few minutes of waiting and the cashier said it was $3 for the entire box of Christmas glasses. 3,000 miles away from home! The last thing I needed as a box of old holiday cups. I paid $3 for the two glasses and it was a great deal.

I also got a replacement wallet for Rose, since her's just fell apart. She has a vintage type cigarette holder. I know it sounds weird, but it actually works really well for all her cards, cash and such.

Cato Fashion was another stop on my list. I wish they had stores in Washington, because I liked a lot of their clothes and the sale items were relatively inexpensive. Anyway, when I was in Michigan for Thanksgiving, we went to a Cato Fashion store there and I saw some of their fashion belts and loved them. Well, the one I wanted to get was in the wrong size and the employees were so nice to call and check with another local store, so I was able to get the one I wanted.

Anyways, shopping alone just isn't the same, but I did have a wonderful day out. I do miss having Ev or Anna talk me out of buying everything. ;-)

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