Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January: The First Week Back

To say this week has been blissfully quiet would not exactly be true. Not for at least two hours on Monday morning....

When K's dad brought him over on Monday for me to watch him for around 5 hours, he was already crying, snot dripping down his nose, tears down his cheeks and noisy blubbery/complaining. Elsa, who had slept until he came into the house woke up and was a cheerful as can be. He pitched a fit almost immediately. No big deal, I thought to myself, a baby can't cry for that long. An hour later, I was thinking quite differently. I tried everything, I tried being nice, being firm, threatening with Time Out (which I don't even know how to do), reading, listening to music, singing songs, snacks and even watching movies, but nothing helps. 

While K was in the corner, I looked at Elsa and pointed to the other baby 
"Elsa, K's being naughty. That's bad." I said, not wanting any of his poor attitude to rub off on my sweet niece. 
She looked up at me and for a second looked like I had scolded her, but then she smiled and pointed at K and with a low voice said 
"Naughty." Just like I had said it. It made me laugh. 
Elsa played perfectly through the entire thing, she didn't seem fazed at all by all the crying. So Little K got picked up early... Let's just say,I got paid extra for those two long hours... 

The rest of the week I haven't had to watch the second baby and so the week has felt like an extended break in a lot of ways. Elsa has a good routine, she is sweet and obedient, falls asleep quickly and loves reading to herself. I have had a chance to workout during naps, do dishes while she plays and write thank you notes for gifts, so it has been a productive week so far. 

I would appreciate prayer that I could manage this other kid. I really want it to work out, so if I come to mind... :-)

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